Able internet payroll has integrated the robust and user friendly combination of both Payroll and Auto Enrolment (AE) in one process, thus avoiding tiresome and time consuming middleware processes. Our team has designed the software empowering you with Payroll and Automatic Enrolment executed simultaneously with one click. At the end of each pay run, the data provided in your current payroll, will also be made available to you in the middleware system.
Payroll package with Auto Enrolment Function Inbuilt: All the function related to Automatic Enrolment pension are inbuilt in our software. Our application provides you with all the communication letters related to eligible job holders, non-eligible job holders, entitled workers, any opt out letters etc. We also provide you with the CSV file for submitting your Automatic Enrolment contribution data and the amount you need to pay to the pension provider which is efficiently calculated by our software. Moreover, the combined process of handling new joiner, leaver and the employee Automatic Enrolment opt in and opt out process in the payroll system are much more accurate, less laborious and less prone to error as compared to the individual process.